Inuvialuit Settlement Region


In 1984, the first land claim settlement in the Northwest Territories and Yukon was completed. The Inuvialuit Final Agreement affects the Western Arctic Region of the Northwest Territories and the Yukon North Slope known as the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.


Three goals were recognized in the Inuvialuit Final Agreement:


Click here to view a PDF of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.


Hunter and Trappers Committees

Community Consultation is a very important part of the EISC process. The following information is provided for your convenience. Please note that the email addresses may change without warning and the internet service in the communities is not reliable.


Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee

P.O. Box 133

Aklavik, NT X0E 0A0

Phone: (867) 978-2723

Fax: (867) 978-2815


The Aklavik HTC holds regular meetings on the 2nd and last Thursday of each month.


Aklavik Community Conservation Plan


Inuvik Hunters and Trappers Committee

P.O. Box 1720

Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0

Phone: (867) 777-3671

Fax: (867) 777-2478


The Inuvik HTC holds regular meetings on the 1st Wednesday of each


Inuvik Community Conservation Plan


Olokhaktomiut Hunters and Trappers Committee

Box 161

Ulukhaktok, NT X0E 0S0

Phone: (867) 396-4808

Fax: (867) 396-3025


The Olokahktomiut HTC holds regular meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.


Ulukhaktok Community Conservation Plan


Paulatuk Hunters and Trappers Committee

Box 39

Paulatuk, NT X0E 1N0

Phone: (867) 580-3004

Fax: (867) 580-3404


The Paulatuk HTC holds regular meetings on the 1st Wednesday of each


Paulatuk Community Conservation Plan


Sachs Harbour Hunters and Trappers Committee

Box 79

Sachs Harbour, NT X0E 0Z0

Phone: (867) 690-3028

Fax: (867) 690-3616


The Sachs Harbour HTC holds regular meetings on every 3rd Wednesday of each month.


Sachs Harbour Community Conservation Plan


Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee

P.O. Box 286

Tuktoyaktuk, NT X0E 1C0

Phone: (867) 977-2457

Fax: (867) 977-2433


The Tuktoyaktuk HTC holds regular meetings on the last Monday of each month.


Tuktoyaktuk Community Conservation Plan



The following maps are available for download:



Last Updated: November 26, 2012
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